Wednesday 7 May 2014

Party of Two Is Seated at the Periodic Table

Scientists have formally added two new man-made elements to chemistry's periodic table, recognizing a pair of fleeting elements forged in a particle accelerator and lasting just milliseconds before decaying.
In 1990, Livermore's Ken Moody, left, and Ron Lougheed, center, joined Academician Yuri Oganessian, head of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions in Dubna, Russia, to toast the beginning of what became a 21-year collaboration to create superheavy elements. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Elements 114 and 116—yet unnamed—were first formed in 2004 and 2006, the result of a collaboration dating to 1990 by a team of Russian and U.S. scientists at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, near Moscow. The new elements have 114 and 116 protons, respectively, in their nuclei and are the heaviest discovered so far.
Scientists have been creating new elements since 1940, when neptunium and plutonium were first forged at the University of California, Berkeley. As more elements have been created, a pattern emerged: Each new element was radioactive, slightly heavier than the one before, and in general, more unstable.
Eventually, scientists hope to discover new elements that might be stable, easily studied and, perhaps, offer commercially useful properties.
Two man-made elements, Nos. 114 and 116, were added to the periodic table after a collaboration between Russian and U.S. scientists that began in 1990 at this cyclotron in Dubna, Russia. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Atoms of the two new elements—created in a clash of nuclear particles—lasted only milliseconds before decaying into simpler and more stable substances, making them hard to study and even harder to verify.
The panel responsible for certifying claims of new elements took three years to confirm the discoveries. Claims involving three other new elements—113, 115 and 118—were rejected.
"We have to take things one atom at a time," said Paul Karol, a nuclear chemist at Carnegie Mellon University who is chairman of the international panel.
Elements are pure chemical materials from which all known matter is composed. They consist of a single type of atom distinguished by the number of protons in its nucleus, its atomic number. The periodic table arranges the elements based on their atomic number and allows scientists to predict as-yet-undiscovered elements.

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