Monday 12 May 2014

Best airlines in the world, via web reviews, visualised as the Periodic Table

edreams airline reviews
After collecting some 30,000 customer reviews, European online travel agency eDreams has picked a novel way of displaying what it says the best airlines in the world.
Although inevitably slightly skewed towards carriers the OTA has available to book on its system, after flying with the airline each customer is asked a series of questions via a follow-up email in order to get a rating (out of five).

  • Overall experience
  • Value for money
  • Check-in/boarding experience
  • VIP lounge
  • Overall rating of aircraft
  • Cleanliness and condition of aircraft
  • Comfort/space between seats
  • Service
  • In-flight entertainment
After aggregating the scores from throughout 2013, eDreams established the top 100 and used each airline’s IATA code to represent an element on the periodic table.
Cute idea.
- See more at:
edreams airline reviews 550


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